The Addis Ababa City Administr...

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The Addis Ababa City Administration Innovation Technology Development Office has completed preparation for civil registration and residential service system.

ITDB:-ህዳር 2/2017

The Addis Ababa City Administration Innovation Technology Development Office has completed preparation to implement a new CRVS, e-ID and Mobile ID system that will replace the civil registration and residence service system that is providing services to Addis Ababa city. .. ዲ. An agreement has been made with the Re Artificial Intelligence Institute and the Information Network Security Administration. In connection with this, an agreement has been signed with the National ID Project Office to lead the work of the benefits registration in Addis Ababa for the next two years.

Addis Ababa City Administration Innovation Technology Development Office's system being developed will be led by the consultation work of federal institutions. The new project will replace the system that is being complained by the residents and switch the services of the institution online. By establishing a system in the city's health institutions, it will enable us to make the civil registration cover and information complete. It has an option that includes smart electronic IDs and mobile phones as an ID application. It has been noted that it will play an important role in turning Addis Ababa into a smart city.

It has been stated that the institution will completely update the services it is providing and will be implemented in the coming months.

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